Yerba Mate Society Everything About Yerba Mate Tue, 15 Aug 2023 13:01:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Yerba Mate Society 32 32 The Difference Between Guayusa And Yerba Mate Thu, 06 Dec 2018 11:21:49 +0000 If you live outside South America you might believe that the people south of Mexico enhance their energy only by drinking coffee or mate. A closer look at their social habits shows that some of them prefer a third herbal drink called Guayusa. Is this beverage better than other vitality boosters and what is the difference between guayusa and yerba mate? Let’s find out!

The difference between Guayusa and Yerba Mate


Is Guayusa Better Than Mate?

Short answer: It depends.

It all boils down to who you ask. If you talk to the people from Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay, they will claim that there is no better herbal drink than yerba mate. On the other hand, if you ask somebody from Ecuador, where guayusa is heavily consumed, they will swear that they would never trade a cup of guayusa for a gourd of hot, bitter mate.

Although they come from two plants belonging to the same botanical family, guayusa and yerba mate create two beverages with different characteristics. Personal taste, cultural upbringing, and availability determine how people classify them, but there are no parameters that determine which one of them is better.


Should I Switch From Yerba Mate To Guayusa?

Short answer: Not necessarily.

You don’t have to choose between these two energy drinks unless you have a certain preference for the way the leaves are processed before they reach your gourd. A specific difference between guayusa and yerba mate is the way the producers dry the leaves.

Most mate companies use the smoke-drying method to make the yerba leaves release their moisture. Guayusa producers leave them out in the sun to dry in open air. If you like both methods of drying these caffeine-packed leaves, there is no reason to choose between the two drinks. You can keep them both in your pantry and brew them as you wish.


Which One Gives Me More Energy: Yerba Mate Or Guayusa?

Short answer: None really.

There has been a long debate regarding the content of caffeine in guayusa and yerba mate respectively. The latter contains almost 20 milligrams more of caffeine per 8 ounces. Still, some consumers claim that they feel more energetic and productive after drinking guayusa than after finishing a whole gourd of yerba mate. How is that possible?

The answer is simple and it lies in the chemical composition of both plants. Yerba mate packs more caffeine than guayusa and it can deliver a powerful punch of energy. However, guayusa contains L-theanine, which is a natural compound present in green tea as well, and which induces a state of relaxation. A rise in endorphins ensues, which gives some users a sense of vitality and eagerness.


And Finally Is There A Taste Difference Between Guayusa And Yerba Mate?

Short answer: Just a slight one.

The only difference between guayusa and yerba mate that you will feel is the absence of a smoky flavor when drinking guayusa, and which results from the air-drying process. Other than that, since both follow the same preparation methods, you should experience the same bold, full-bodied and bitter aroma when sipping either guayusa or yerba mate from your gourd.

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How To Cure Your Yerba Mate Gourd Wed, 05 Dec 2018 14:45:33 +0000 So, you have finally decided to try yerba mate! You have everything set up on the table and ready to go: the yerba mate leaves, the hot water, the gourd, and the bombilla. If you don’t want your first experience with a mate infusion to be a disappointing one, it is essential that you cure your yerba mate gourd first.

This process will put as much as 72 hours between now and your first sip of delicious mate tea. But, trust us! It will be totally worth it. Once you cure your yerba mate gourd and learn how to maintain it in the long-term, you will get to enjoy one of the healthiest energy-boosting drinks out there in the proper, traditional way.

How to cure your Yerba Mate gourd cup


The Different Types Of Mate Tea Cups (Gourds)

Before you start cleaning and curing your gourd, you should know that there are several different kinds of cups that people use to drink their yerba mate tea from, and they include:

  • Natural mate gourds (traditional)
  • Wooden mate gourds
  • Synthetic mate cups made from ceramic, glass or silicone

The latter category contains ready-to-use mate cups that do not need curing as they come from industrial production and are available at a large scale. While they could represent short-term solutions for drinking a mate tea on the go, yerba mate lovers know that this power-enhancing infusion tastes better from a natural mate gourd or at least from a wooden one. So, we will focus on curing these classic cups for yerba mate.


Why You MUST Clean Your Yerba Mate Gourd

Argentinians love drinking their yerba mate from natural gourds made from the fruit of the calabash plant just like their ancestors used to do. They harvest this fruit before it ripens completely and cut the top part to leave the bottom one looking like a round, curved mug. Next, they hollow it, cure it and might even decorate the outside walls with drawings and pieces of leather.

Curing your yerba mate gourd prevents its inner walls from splitting and altering the taste of the infusion. Also, the natural scent of the calabash fruit enhances the flavor of your yerba mate drink and prolongs its aroma.


How To Cure Your Yerba Mate Gourd

You should cure your yerba mate gourd if it is made from calabash or wood. Both of these varieties of mate gourds are available online, and they require proper cleaning before preparing your first infusion. The curing process is almost the same for both types of classic gourds, with only minor differences.

Here are the simple steps of curing your yerba mate gourd:

Step 1

Rinse the gourd with warm (not boiling) water for a few minutes. Do not use soap or any type of detergent as it could potentially ruin the container forever.

*If you are curing a calabash gourd, do not remove the bud on its bottom because it will later cause leakage.

Step 2

Take a spoon and gently scrape the inner walls of the gourd to remove any debris and tissue that comes off the gourd.

Step 3

Fill the gourd with used mate leaves, preferably moist. The best source is from a gourd that is already in use, but if this is your very time preparing mate you can soak the leaves in hot water for a few hours before putting them in the gourd. Do not add any water to the gourd. Leave it this way for as much as 24 hours.

*If you are curing a wooden gourd, rub the inner walls with a bit of salt before adding the leaves to disinfect them and prevent the creation of mold.

Step 4

The next day, remove the moist yerba leaves and rinse the gourd with warm water. Scrape the inner walls again and fill 3/4 of the gourd with fresh, dry leaves. Top those off with hot water and leave the gourd to sit like that for another 24 hours. The maceration process will remove the final splitting from the walls.

Step 5

Remove the yerba mate mixture from the gourd, rinse it thoroughly and pat it dry with kitchen towels. Leave the gourd in a warm, well-ventilated area overnight to evaporate the remaining moisture. Wooden gourds may take a little more time to dry off than calabash gourds.

Step 6

Your gourd is now cured and ready to use. Fill half of it with fresh, dry mate leaves while keeping the bombilla in a vertical position and near the walls. Pour hot water just enough to top the leaves off, and let everything steep for a few minutes. Do not stir or shake the gourd. Sip the delicious mate and refill with hot water whenever you run out of infusion. Enjoy!


If you’d rather watch a video telling you how to cure a yerba mate gourd properly, here’s a nice one:


How To Care For Your Yerba Mate Gourd

Knowing how to cure your yerba mate gourd is crucial, but not enough to ensure its long-term use. You have to keep an eye on its day-by-day condition to enjoy a tasty mate drink every time, but also to realize when it is time to replace it with a new one.

Fortunately, the maintenance of a yerba mate gourd boils down to two essential rules:

  • Keep your gourd dry
  • Use your gourd often

First off, it is important that you remove the yerba mate leaves after finishing your gourd. This could happen after 3-5 refills with hot water, which will create an intensely moist mixture in the container. If you fail to scrape it out, mold will appear on the inner walls and destroy the gourd forever. So, make sure that you scrape the used leaves and rinse the gourd with warm water before leaving it to dry.

Secondly, you should use your yerba mate gourd at least 2-3 times per week. If you rarely prepare a mate drink in it, the gourd will become too dry, which will create new splitting on its inner walls. Also, it can potentially develop cracks that will later cause leakage.


All In All

There you have it! Now you know how to cure your yerba mate gourd and care for it in the long run. You can now move on to experiment with different varieties of mate and discover the blend that best suits your taste.

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Yerba Mate Side Effects And Precautions Tue, 04 Dec 2018 11:44:46 +0000 Yerba Mate is a nutrient-rich, energizing beverage and a natural alternative to coffee and green tea. People in South America consume it on a daily basis, but the rest of the world has yet to discover its immense health benefits. The drink’s struggle with worldwide popularity may be due to consumer unawareness and a few fabricated myths about yerba mate side effects.

We got together the most relevant scientific studies on yerba mate to debunk the inaccuracies that surround yerba mate once and for all. In this article, we look at the benefits of consuming mate, its adverse side effects, precautions, and medical recommendations. If you are not sure what impact yerba mate can have on your health, now it’s the time to find out!

Possible side effects of Yerba Mate and precautions


Popular Myths About Yerba Mate

We will start by looking at some of the exaggerations about yerba mate that you may find online, and which may lead to severe misinformation. Here are some of the myths about yerba mate side effects which are mostly based on poorly conducted studies or word of mouth:


Myth: Yerba Mate causes esophageal cancer

Mate is an infusion that you can prepare in a similar way that you fix a cup of green tea. Most people enjoy drinking it while it is hot, which lead some adventurous minds into believing that consuming steaming hot mate can severely damage your esophagus and cause cancer. This unfortunate myth relates to a 2009 inconclusive study that did not find any backing from the academic field.

The truth is that throat or esophageal cancer can have multiple causes, out of which constant consumption of hot beverages has a minimal impact. Therefore, you can safely drink your hot mate without worrying too much about its side effects on the well-being of your esophagus.


Myth: Yerba Mate is rich in cancer-causing compounds

Another folktale about the adverse side effects of yerba mate claims that this natural infusion contains cancer-inducing agents because the mate leaves go through a smoke-drying process. There is no clinical evidence to back this claim.

First of all, very few mate producers use the technique of smoke drying, and they even mention it on the product label. Secondly, there are many foods (smoke-dried meat, fish etc.) that go through this preparation process before they hit the shelves, and there is not a single conclusive medical study that can back the claim of them containing cancer-causing compounds.


Myth: Yerba Mate Affects Heart Health

Some believe that the boost in energy that yerba mate provides can affect one’s heart health and cause ailments like heart arrhythmia, cardiovascular problems and even increase the risk of heart disease.

Contrary to popular misconception, this herbal infusion has essential health benefits for your heart. According to this clinical study, the rich composition of antioxidants in this infusion improves blood flow, accelerates nutrient transfer to your vital organs, and reduces blood pressure.


The Science behind the Yerba Mate Health Benefits

The first account of mate consumption dates back to the beginning of the 16th century when the Spanish colonialists discovered this daily habit of people living in today’s regions of Argentina and Paraguay. Historians believe that the natives had been drinking yerba mate tea centuries before the arrival of the Europeans.

Although the Spanish and Portuguese colonialists tried for centuries to popularize mate in the Old World, the South American beverage was no match to the heavy commercialization of coffee and chai tea. Nevertheless, the infusion cut its own share of the spoils by becoming the most consumed beverage in South America, from Patagonia to Columbia, and from the Andes mountains of Peru to the beaches of Brazil.

The end of the 20th century brought mate in the attention of nutritionists and scientists who were intrigued by the health benefits that South American natives attributed to this infusion. Several clinical studies have confirmed the positive impact on the consumers’ well-being and ridiculed the rumors of yerba mate side effects.


Yerba Mate May Help With Weight Loss

Clinical studies suggest that regular consumption of yerba mate can help decrease the percent in body fat mass over time. This positive effect for overweight people is due to the plant’s rich composition of caffeine and flavonoids that suppress appetite and reduce cravings for sugary beverages and salty snacks.

Another medical study reveals that yerba mate modulates the expression of genes that are changed in the obese state and restores them to more normal levels of expression. As a result, this healthy infusion can lower the risk of obesity and obesity-related diseases.


Yerba Mate May Improve Immunity

Mate is a powerful source of antioxidants and vitamins that should improve your immunity against free radicals, viruses, and bacteria. This clinical research study shows the nutraceutical value of yerba mate and its positive effects for consumers. The report shows that you can benefit from the same healthy-inducing effects whether you drink hot mate or ice-cold tereré.


Yerba Mate May Enhance Cognitive Functions

The potent dose of caffeine in yerba mate is enough to improve your focus and help you be more productive. The other energy-inducing compounds in this beverage have a positive effect on other cognitive functions as they improve your memory, increase your alertness and enhance your alertness. Furthermore, this medical study shows that yerba mate may have a potential protective role in the development of Parkinson’s disease.


Yerba Mate Precautions

Yerba mate can be a regular presence in a balanced nutritional plan. Although it provides a significant amount of nutrients and vitamins, it should not replace staple foods and ingredients in your diet.

Yerba mate contains a smaller amount of caffeine than coffee, but it is a noteworthy quantity nonetheless. Similar to drinking excessive amounts of coffee, consuming too much of it in a short period can destabilize your digestive system and cause diarrhea.

High-quality brands of yerba mate go through an antiseptic process of harvesting, drying and packing before they reach your gourd. These products have a minimal risk of causing any unpleasant effects on your health, even if you consume them for an extended period.


The Bottom Line

As medical studies and consumer experience suggest, yerba mate does not have any adverse side effects. On the contrary, the potential health benefits overwhelm the insignificant and rare indispositions that this natural beverage can produce. So, you can safely go back to sipping on your mate without worrying about any negative consequences.

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Discover The Finest Yerba Mate Gourds And Bombillas For The Authentic South American Tea Experience Mon, 03 Dec 2018 16:01:16 +0000 Avid yerba mate drinkers believe that sipping your mate from a regular teacup is an unforgivable blasphemy. Whether it is your first time enjoying this energy-boosting infusion or you need to replace your worn out container, this guide to the best yerba mate gourd will help you find the ideal mug for your favorite beverage.

For the authentic touch, you’ll also need a quality bombilla straw to drink your herbal tea. Only this way you can truly enjoy drinking your hot mate or tereré in the classic, stylish fashion established by a millennia-old tradition. Therefore, we’re going to take a look at some expertly-crafted yerba mate tea sets that will make drinking mate a veritable art and ritual.

Best Yerba Mate gourd & bombilla

You’ll experience herbal tea a whole new way with these top-rated yerba mate gourds and bombillas. We’ve hand picked the ones that deliver the authentic experience of drinking South American mate teas. We kept an eye on craftsmanship, design and convenience. And we’ve looked at both traditional and natural gourds, as well as the more contemporary cups for the modern tea drinker.

Naturally, the experience is not only about the cup you pour your tea in. It’s also about the customary stainless steel straws or bombillas that you use to drink it with, traditionally, so we’ve included those as well. With this fine selection, you’ll elevate your drinking ritual to a whole new level, and you’ll be able to deeply enjoy the earthy taste and rich flavor of your yerba mate hot herbal tea, the proper way.


Handmade Mate Tea Set Made In Argentina

Most yerba mate gourds come with a straw or bombilla to ease your worries and help you savor your first mate as soon as possible. It is the case of this popular set composed of a gourd and a stainless steel bombilla that comes all the way from the homeland of mate, Argentina.

This handmade yerba mate tea set from Gaucho Market comes with a brown, large-sized gourd that has a stainless steel coating at the top. The 14cm tall spooned bombilla straw enables smooth sipping and the 11.5cm tall yerba spoon helps you fill the traditional yerba mate teacup with minimal effort.

handmade natural yerba mate gourd with bombilla

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Traditional Natural Yerba Mate Gourd

If you want to feel the genuine taste of mate tea from an original yerba mate gourd, you cannot do better than this handmade yerba mate teacup from Balibetov. This gourd is made from natural calabash fruits that have had their whole interior hollowed out and the exterior darkened through direct exposure to flames. A silver rim is added to the finished gourd that gives it that stylish look.

The manufacturer recommends that you cure the gourd before preparing your first mate infusion. Also, since it’s made from the dried out fruit Calabaza, the gourds may vary in size, according to their natural shape. We must note, however, that this stylish orange gourd does not come with a traditional straw, so be sure to get yourself a bombilla too, if you want the authentic mate experience.

traditional natural yerba mate gourd hand made

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Premium Yerba Mate Gourd And Bombilla Straw

Sipping on delicious mate from an authentic Argentinian gourd should take your passion for this beverage at the ultimate level. Few other gourds can give you this feeling better than this premium handmade mate gourd. It’s hand crafted with passion and dedication by Argentinian artisans, and will provide an authentic herbal experience.

This calabash gourd comes with a unique exterior design that is handmade covered in real quality leather with precise stitching. The minute details of the silver rim are also done by hand with great care and attention by the expert crafters. The bombilla straw it comes with is made of stainless steel and also boasts an intricate hand crafted pattern. The cup and straw together are not merely a tea set, but more so a piece of art. If you value an authentic experience, in tune with the ancient traditions of drinking yerba mate, and you want a gourd that will provide that rich earthy and deep taste to your tea, this premium gourd will fully deliver. Remember to cure the gourd before fixing your first tea to ensure that the mate tea will have a rich and full-bodied taste.

handmade yerba mate gourd in leather with steel bombilla

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Leather Wrapped Handmade Mate Gourd With Silver Alpaca Bombilla

Nothing spells elegance better than drinking your mate infusion from a gourd wrapped in natural leather. This handmade yerba mate teacup is a calabash gourd covered in slick parchment that rests on a convenient three-legged stand. The alpaca silver rim adds a subtle metallic note and enhances the classic design of the gourd.

This leather wrapped yerba mate tea set also includes a stainless steel bombilla that should help you sip on your beverage without having to ingest any of the brewed mate leaves.

handmade leather wrapped mate gourd with bombilla straw

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Hand-made Glass Yerba Mate Cup With Spoon-end Filter Alpaca Straw

People who say you can only enjoy an excellent mate from a natural calabash gourd have surely did not sip one from this handmade glass yerba mate teacup. The eye-catching design of this gourd includes a sturdy blue glass with unique decorations and a nickel-plated trim that also serves as a stand. The durable bombilla comes with a spoon-end pressurized extraction filter that does not let any leaf particles pass from the gourd to your mouth.

glass ceramic yerba mate gourd and straw

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Double Wall Stainless Steel Yerba Mate Cup With Stainless Steel Mate Bombilla Straw

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of cleaning a natural gourd, you can opt for this double wall stainless steel yerba mate tea set. Boasting a slick, modern design and a bright green color, this 8oz unbreakable gourd will help you enjoy a tasty mate drink without the earthy flavor that some consumers find too bitter.

The manufacturer claims that this set contains the best yerba mate gourd and a top quality aluminum bombilla. If you are the type of mate drinker that likes to keep his passion simple and comfortable, then this dishwasher-safe, stainless gourd is ideal for you.

Stainless Steel yerba mate tea set with gourd and steel straw

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Wooden Handmade Premium Yerba Mate Gourd Set

This premium mate gourd is handmade in Argentina by skilled artisans. They hand carve it in premium quality wood, and no one gourd will be the same as the next, which makes it unique and personal. The beautiful intricate German silver details give this gourd personality and presence.

Made out of natural carob wood, the gourd provides a unique flavor to the natural herbal taste of mate teas. The bombilla straw is handcrafted as well and comes with a cleaning brush so that you can easily remove those stubborn herbs that sometimes insist on not being rinsed away.

Since it’s made of natural wood, you will have to prepare and cure your gourd the first time you use it. But it’s worth it for sure. Once cured you’ll be able to experience the unique taste and benefits of yerba mate the traditional way, in a finely crafted, stylish, and natural gourd or, dare I say, piece of art.

Mate gourd made of wood with silver details and steel bombilla

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 Easy Clean Yerba Mate Bombilla

A great way of improving your mate drinking equipment is by adding a high-quality yerba mate bombilla. This easy-clean, stainless steel straw is perfect for regaining that satisfying taste that you experienced when you first drank from your mate gourd.

This 21-cm bombilla comes with a removable filter head that makes it easy to clean with the cleaning brush included in the package and a spoon-end pressurized extraction filter. The middle of the bombilla straw displays a blue bead that you can rest your fingers on without burning your hand while sipping on your mate.

Easy-to-clean yerba mate bombilla for gourd drinking

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GFDesign Yerba Mate Bombilla

Many mate drinkers invest in a yerba mate tea gourd and bombilla only to find the drinking straw unsatisfactory. Fortunately, they can improve on their investment by purchasing this set of two yerba mate filter straws that have no peculiar smell and endless reusability.

These 6″ long yerba mate bombilla straws have a smooth surface and an eco-friendly design. They come with an easy-to-use cleaning brush and are suitable for any type of gourd, regardless of its material. The spoon-end filters prevent the tiny yerba leaves from entering your mouth as you sip away your mate.

Yerba Mate bombilla filter straw made of metal

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Gaucho Stainless Steel Yerba Mate Straw

If you are looking for a high-quality bombilla to add to your gourd, you do not have to look any further than the Gaucho Stainless Steel Yerba Mate Straw. This 6.5″ long bombilla has a three-part filter straw head that is more efficient in stopping yerba debris from entering your mouth than most spoon-end filters out there.

The Gaucho bombilla is highly resistant to corrosion, damage and you can easily clean it by putting it together with your cutlery in the dishwasher.

stainless steel spring bombilla for mate

Check it out here


Finding a High-Quality Yerba Mate Gourd and Bombilla

Most yerba mate enthusiasts are at a loss when they look for places where to buy yerba mate gourd. While retail stores may have a limited offer of yerba mate gourds and bombilla straws, your best choice is to look for the best yerba mate tea set online.

In this regard, you cannot find a better selection of yerba mate teacups and drinking straws anywhere else than on Amazon. The biggest online retailer in the world offers hundreds of mate drinking accessories from which you can pick the best yerba mate gourd and bombilla for your taste.

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Top 11 Best Yerba Mate Brands: A Comprehensive Tea Guide Mon, 03 Dec 2018 08:28:25 +0000 Whether you are new to mate or an avid drinker of this green energy booster, you are surely wondering: what is the best yerba mate out there? If you ask a hundred consumers, you will probably get just as many answers, which will make your decision-making process even more difficult.

We want to ease your worries, so we put together a comprehensive list of the best yerba mate teas you can find on the market, where to get yerba mate and the finest ways to enjoy it.

Best Yerba Mate tea brands and products


Taragui Yerba Mate

Taragui is one of the oldest yerba mate teas on the market. With more than a century of experience, this Argentinian company ensures mate of the highest-quality in every sip you take. The taste of Taragui mate infusion is bitter, smoky and comes with a scent of rugged leather and a mildly acidic aftertaste.

When preparing a gourd of Taragui you will notice that this tea has rough-cut leaves and pieces of stems (palo). This rustic look is a trademark of the Corrientes-based producer that aims to preserve the organic nature of the tea by adding small pieces of flavor-enhancing bark in every bag of yerba mate.

Taragui Yerba Mate tea

Check it out here


Rosamonte Yerba Mate

Another popular tea among yerba mate drinkers comes from Rosamonte, another Argentinian brand that enjoys worldwide customer trust. This infusion has a rich aroma that resembles dark chocolate and tobacco, which is why so many people consider it to be the tastiest yerba mate out there.

A gourd of Rosamonte yerba mate tea with as many as four refills can last you a full day. The powerful boost of energy that this drink provides will keep you alert and productive, and most importantly, without any cravings for coffee or sugary energy beverages.

Yerba Mate Tea by Rosamonte

Check it out here


Guayaki Yerba Mate

Guayaki is the yerba mate tea that will help you relate to most of the other mate enthusiasts out there. Almost everyone who has ever tried a mate drink knows about this award-winning brand and its smooth, bitter taste. Its notoriety comes from the product versatility, which includes infusion-ready leaves, canned teas, and energy shots.

Guayaki stands for high-quality tea that pays homage to the traditional drink regardless of the product version that you choose to drink. For many consumers, the energy shot bottles equal the energy boost of a genuine espresso coffee. Others prefer sipping on bombillas from their half-full gourds of rough-cut leaves infusion. Versatility and flexibility are essential to enjoying one of the best yerba mate brands on the market.

Guayaki Yerba Mate Tea

Check it out here


Amanda Yerba Mate

Amanda mate may not enjoy the same worldwide recognition as other names on this list, but in South America, it stands for a top-quality mate. If you want to enjoy a gourd of traditional, genuine mate infusion, you cannot go wrong with this Argentinian brand.

Amanda yerba mate has a robust, earthy aroma. You can feel its direct, bold taste from the first sip you take, and the citrus-like aftertaste long after your gourd is empty. The best way to savor this mate drink is from a traditional gourd with a stainless steel bombilla.

Yerba Mate Tea Pack By Amanda

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Mate Factor Yerba Mate

Coming all the way from the deep, dark forests of Brazil, the Mate Factor tea will fill you up with energy and improve your mood instantly. This healthy alternative to coffee has as many as 10 varieties that range from fresh green leaves to dark roast stems. You can have your pick from a wide variety of flavor and power to find the best yerba mate infusion for your taste.

One of the production aspects that differentiate Mate Factor yerba mate from other brands is that the manufacturer does not age the leaves. As soon as they are harvested, the leaves find a new home in beautifully-designed packs that come in six different sizes. Also, none of the varieties contain any added flavorings, which ensure that your infusion will have a bitter, earthy aroma and a delicious, full-bodied flavor.

Mate Factor Yerba Mate Tea

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Cruz de Malta Yerba Mate

Contrary to what its name may suggest, Cruz de Malta yerba mate does not come from the small Mediterranean island of Malta. This delicious tea originates from Argentina, where it enjoys popular recognition and an established brand since 1874.

Cruz de Malta Yerba Mate comes in different varieties that range from small teabags to large packs of fresh, rough-cut mate leaves. Regardless of the way you prefer to drink it, this yerba mate tea will fill you up with a rich, leathery taste and a significant amount of vitamins and minerals. It comes in standard flavor but also orange flavor or lemon.

Yerba Mate tea by Cruz De Malta

Check it out here

Canarias Yerba Mate

People in Uruguay consume Canarias more than any other brand. However, only the company has its business based in the small South American country. The yerba mate leaves that you find in their gorgeous yellow packs come from Brazil.

We don’t know if Canarias tried to grow their own yerba mate in Uruguay, but apparently, they found a better climate for the trees in the Brazilian states of Paraná, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul. Here, the dense forests enjoy the perfect weather conditions to produce impressive harvests of caffeine-packed mate leaves.

You should try Canarias Yerba Mate if you appreciate eco-friendly processing that delivers a 100% natural product. These 1 Kg packs contain a perfectly balanced mixture of mate leaves and sticks, and no artificial additives or chemicals. A gourd of this infusion is as close to the traditional, organic beverage as you can get.

In terms of taste, we will not lie to you. Canarias Yerba Mate might be one of the most bitter mate drinks you will ever try. The infusion has a rich, intense aroma that resembles smoked chestnuts and old leather. If you like dark beer or extra toasted bread, you will fall in love with the smooth, and robust character of this beverage.

a 1 kilogram sealed pack of Canarias brand yerba mate tea

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La Merced

La Merced is a well-known brand of Yerba Mate tea. It’s a traditional South American beverage that is very popular in countries like Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and parts of Brazil. It’s produced by the Establecimiento Las Marías, a prominent Argentine company with a long history. They’ve been making Yerba Mate for several generations, and tradition is a serious part of their curriculum.

La Merced offers various Yerba Mate blends, each with its own unique characteristics. These can include traditional blends, flavored options, and variations with different cuts of the mate leaves. Establecimiento Las Marías is known for its commitment to making high-quality Yerba Mate. They pay close attention to cultivating, harvesting, and properly processing the mate leaves to ensure a consistent and flavorful product.

Due to the ever-rising interest in yerba mate healthy drinks, the brand has now expanded from the South American continent to worldwide distribution, and you can now savor their blend of tea almost anywhere in the world. For a person passionate about authenticity, you can’t go wrong with La Merced Mate teas.

a pack of La Merced brand yerba mate tea

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Playadito Yerba Mate is a remarkable choice for those who love the flavorful and energizing effects of yerba mate. When you open the package the aroma is positively invigorating. The taste strikes a perfect balance between robustness and smoothness, with earthy notes and a touch of sweetness. The quality is top-notch. You can see that the carefully chosen leaves are finely processed. This gives a deep green color and perfect texture to the tea blend.

The packing size is generous. Housed in sturdy, resealable packaging, the tea keeps the freshness intact for long periods of time. For any dedicated mate drinker, Playadito will surely be a top pick due to its exceptional taste, its quality, and the care and love that the manufacturer has put into the process of making the blend. It’s a must-try for all yerba mate enthusiasts, promising an authentic and blissful mate experience in every sip.

pack of Playadito brand yerba mate

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Nobleza Gaucha

If you love unique flavors, you won’t go wrong with Nobleza Gaucha Yerba Mate. This brand encapsulates the essence of a centuries-old tradition. Every sip you take emanates South American culture. The aroma is invigorating and comforting. The taste experience is equally remarkable. You can feel a blend of robust and mellow notes in the drink, and a flavor profile that simply captivates us.

What truly sets this brand apart is its dedication to preserving the way they prepare yerba mate. Meticulously selected leaves undergo a rigorous process.  The blends that result boast a vibrant green hue and a deep and tasty herbal mix.

The commitment to quality and heritage shines through in every aspect of Nobleza Gaucha, from the packaging to the taste itself. Try it, and you will get to savor a satisfying and flavorful experience that’s simply unparalleled.

a pack of yerba mate from Nobleza Gaucha

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Pipore Yerba Mate

Pipore yerba mate stands out for its exceptional quality and smoothness. Unlike some brands, its flavor isn’t overpowering. This makes it a great choice for a relaxing break. The flavor is just right, with a light, sun-aged taste that doesn’t overwhelm your palate. The traditional Argentine blend of leaves combines finely milled and broadly cut leaves. The resulting mix is a pale yellow-green hue of leaves and stems together.

The body is light, and the texture is slightly pasty. The resulting taste seems like a harmonious blend of bready, herbal, and grassy notes. There’s a delicate balance between softer nutty/bready tones and sharper herbal nuances. You can faintly feel natural hints of sweetness (like caramel and brown sugar). This adds to the taste experience.

Pipore’s stability and dependable taste are a pleasant experience for any yerba mate enjoyer. There is little to no bitterness or strong astringency, which makes this blend of Mate tea a reliable choice for any occasion. It might not be the flashiest option, but it’s like a dependable brand that you can count on. In the world of yerba mate, Pipore can be likened, in a sense, to the Cuban Cigar of the Misiones region. It’s a reliable brand with well-balanced characteristics.


pack of yerba mate tea mix from the Pipore brand

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The Best Way To Enjoy Yerba Mate

In recent years, numerous yerba mate producers have released a wide variety of products containing these power-boosting leaves that range from tea bags to energy shots to canned teas. Nevertheless, any yerba mate lover will tell you that the best way to enjoy this beverage is from a gourd and with the help of a stainless steel bombilla.

This genuine Argentinian set for drinking yerba mate tea includes a large-size handmade gourd that has had its outside layer cured with fire (check out all the different types of gourds that you can use to drink this awesome infusion). It also comes with a specially designed spoon that you can use to fill the gourd, and a spooned bombilla straw made from stainless steel. With these accessories, you can enjoy a refreshing mate drink in the same traditional way that millions of South Americans do it every day. If you want to find out more, you can also check out our selection of the top gourds and bombillas for yerba mate here.

A great set (gourd and bombilla) to drink Yerba Mate Tea

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Summing Up And Closing Thoughts About The Finest Yerba Mate Tea Brands

Yerba mate is rapidly becoming a very popular drink all over the word. And so, the numerous yerba mate tea brands offers a wide array of choices that cater to a multitude of tastes and preferences. Those brands bring to the table a vibrant array of flavors, aromas, and traditions, and hopefully, this guide helped you discover all the various options you have when looking for an authentic yerba mate experience. From the deep earthiness of traditional Argentine mate teas, to the distinguished notes of Brazilian teas, these brands have a yerba mate blend that suits you perfectly. All you have to do is give them a try.

When you make a choice, think of a few other things too when you pick a favorite. Where does the yerba mate come from? Different regions have a different dominant taste and strength characteristics. Also, how much caffeine do you want? Do you want a mellow experience? Or a boost of energy? Although all mate infusions have similar constituents, some mate teas are stronger than others. Remember to be on the lookout for that. Some brands are more eco friendly, so that might also be a thing to consider. Because sometimes it’s good to consider the stories and values behind the brands too.

But most of all, at the end of the day, the best way to find your favorite mate is to give it a try. So, go ahead and embark on this flavorful adventure, and may your cup of yerba mate always bring you warmth, energy, and joy! Cheers to many delightful mate moments ahead!


Where To Buy The Best Yerba Mate

You’ve got a few good options when it comes to buying yerba mate. Look at local specialty stores, online shops, and health food stores. Also, check ethnic markets or go straight to the brands’ websites. Don’t forget that depending on where you live you can check local markets too. No matter where you choose to get your tea from, read reviews and think about what you like. See whether it’s organic, fair trade, eco-friendly, or what special blends they sell.

If you want to try some guaranteed quality yerba mate, you can also check out Amazon. You will find a broad range of mate brands that you might find harder to find in your local retail stores. You can opt to try various mate teas and products that contain yerba mate at affordable prices and for reasonable delivery costs. Customer reviews will provide you with the guarantee that what you buy meets your expectations and standards.

Purchasing your yerba mate teas and accessories online can present you with unique opportunities for discount offers, promotional prices and low costs for bulk buys. Only this way you will be able to experience the many assortments of this energy-boosting drink and find the best yerba mate for your taste. So, anyway, happy sipping to all you mate lovers out there!

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What Is The Best Yerba Mate Thermos And Where To Buy It From? Tue, 27 Nov 2018 14:52:12 +0000 There are three essential accessories that every passionate mate drinker should have in his inventory: a gourd, a bombilla, and a yerba mate thermos. Out of all the three items, the latter is usually overlooked, but its presence is mandatory especially if you want to keep your mate tea warm and refreshingly delicious.

If you want to take your mate tea everywhere you go, a yerba mate flask should be a convenient and practical source of hot water that will keep your tea at the optimal temperature. Here are the most efficient options on the market and where to buy a good yerba mate thermos!

top quality yerba mate thermos


Stanley Classic Vacuum Bottle

We’ll start off with one of the most well-known travel containers: the Stanley Classic Vacuum Bottle. This vacuum insulated jug can preserve up to 2Qt of hot water for up to 32 hours. This product is the ideal choice for a yerba mate travel mug that you can take along everywhere you go whether you need to refresh your mate during a busy day at the office or on a weekend hiking trip.

The Stanley Classic Vacuum Bottle comes in five different sizes that range from 16oz to 2Qt. Each one of these thermoses is made from unbreakable stainless steel liner and has a drinking cup as an insulating cup. They come in various colors and are BPA-free to ensure that you enjoy drinking your mate tea from a safe and eco-friendly container.

If you are an avid drinker of tereré (yerba mate tea prepared with cold water and ice), the Stanley Classic can still be an excellent choice for a yerba mate thermos. This vacuum insulated bottle can keep the water ice-cold for as many as 160 hours, which makes it perfect for long excursions in the hot summer time. Check it out:

Yerba Mate thermos from Stenley

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Zojirushi Stainless-Steel Easy-Serve Airpot

The second entry on our list of the best yerba mate thermoses is the Stainless-Steel Easy-Serve Airpot from Zojirushi. This beverage dispenser can hold up to 101 ounces of hot water ready at any time to rejuvenate your mate drink. It comes with a vacuum liner that keeps the content at an optimal temperature for as many as 42 hours.

The feature that makes the Zojirushi Airpot an ideal thermos for your yerba mate tea is its lever-style pump that enables you to pour hot water in your mate-filled gourd quick and easy, and without having to open the entire container. Online retailers are the best places where to buy a yerba mate thermos from regardless of the model that you prefer.

The Zojirushi Easy-Serve Airpot is made from high-quality stainless steel and eco-friendly plastic components that are easy to clean. Measuring 15 by 8-1/2 by 5-7/8 inches, and weighing little over 4 pounds, this where to buy a yerba mate thermos

is more suitable for long trips by car or by train when carrying it around is more convenient.

Stainless steel thermos for tea and hot drinks

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Stainless Steel Thermos All In One (Including Cup And Bombilla)

What if you could have only one container for both your gourd and your yerba mate travel mug? If that is your wildest mate dream, then the Stainless Steel Thermos All In One is what you are looking for. This 500Cc bottle comes packed with a ready-to go mate gourd that screws on as a cap. Aditionally there are two small containers at the top – one that holds mate leaves, and one that filters them as you sip your favorite energy drink through the side straw.

This yerba mate thermos is easy to assemble, and with a capacity that ranges between 350ml and 500ml, you can enjoy a fresh mate drink on the go. It comes in grey, black, pink and silver, and it is made from BPA-free plastic that does not withhold any odors.

The great thing about this innovative solution for hot yerba mate is that the container keeps the water at an optimal temperature for hours on end. Therefore, this yerba mate flask will do its job perfectly on your morning commute to work, and keep your drink ready to go all the way to midday. You can’t go wrong with this modern travel bottle, your tea will be hot and tasty every time, just as if you’d only just brewed it then and there!

All-in-one yerba mate thermos with cup and bombilla

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Kalmteh Vacuum Insulated Stainless Steel Bottle (for Yerba Mate, Coffee or Herbal Teas)

If you prefer tereré to the classic hot mate infusion, and you are looking for a sturdy vacuum insulated bottle that can keep your water freezing cold for as long as possible, you cannot do better than this Camel Mate bottle with straw and coffee lid.

The Kalmteh Mate Vacuum Insulated Bottle is a double-walled container that can hold as much as 26 oz (760 ml) of hot tea for as long as 24 hours. It is the perfect yerba mate travel mug that will keep your tea hot for a very long time and due to its design, it won’t burn on the outside (it has a double wall build, that both insulates the inner liquid as well as makes the bottle feel cool on the outside). So you can enjoy your tea all throughout the day. Some people said that it can keep hot water at an optimal temperature for almost 12 hours, which is quite a feat for a thermos.

This yerba mate flask comes with a leak-proof lid and a side straw. It is made from sweat-free, BPA-free stainless steel that is reusable and refillable, which makes it an excellent long-term accessory for your yerba mate drinking habit.

Insulated stainless steel thermos for yerba mate teas and coffee

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Balibetov Thermos For South American Mate Teas

The last entry on our list of ideal choices of yerba mate thermoses is this stainless steel thermos from Balibetov, designed specially to hold and drink south American style mate hot drinks. The Mate Bottle has a capacity of 32 oz (950 ml) and has a leak-proof lid with a straw, so that you can savour a mate tea, just like you would directly from your gourd with a bombilla. The thermos is suitable for long trips, and it can provide a refreshingly hot mate drink for many hours after boiling and preparing the tea.

The Balibetov Mate Bottle is made from high-quality BPA-free plastic and comes all the way from Argentina – the birth land of yerba mate tea. You can add this practical thermos to your mate drinking accessories as an effective solution for carrying your favorite energy booster on trips or at work, where you can enjoy the long lasting tea hot for hours.

stainless steel thermos with straw for south american mate teas

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Where Can One Get A High-Quality Yerba Mate Thermos?

With so many alternatives for mate flasks to choose from, your best place where to buy a good yerba mate thermos from is Amazon. The online retailer offers a wide range of portable containers that can easily become an essential part of your mate-drinking inventory of accessories.

On Amazon, you can compare different yerba mate travel mugs and read some of the user reviews, which will tell you the experience of other mate drinkers with those products. Furthermore, you can benefit from discount prices, limited-time offers and even free shipping on selected merchandise.

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Yerba Mate Soda: A Refreshing Drink That You Could Swap Your Mate Gourd For Wed, 21 Nov 2018 12:55:35 +0000 If you are looking for an energizing kick of caffeine without drinking coffee, you should look no further than Yerba Mate soda. We are all yerba mate tea fans here, and we surely enjoy the hot infusion more than anything. But if you are on the run, you could definitely grab a yerba mate soda to go.

This energy drink is a step up from the traditional caffeinated beverages, such as the yerba mate tea. Get a quick, rejuvenating effect from a low-calorie drink that you can take it wherever you go without having to carry a gourd.

Yerba mate soda

Here are some of the best varieties of Yerba Mate Soda that you can try out, if you’re living in the fast lane:


Materva Yerba Mate Soda

Materva is probably the most famous mate-based soda in the world. This beverage has a fascinating history that began almost 100 years ago when a small company in Cuba was producing it. After the Cuban Revolution of 1959 stepped in and halted private businesses as well as international export the Cawy Bottling Company in Miami took over production and ensured that the world would not be deprived of the refreshing taste of Materva.

Nowadays, Materva is a rich source of mateine – a compound similar to caffeine that produces the same energy effect without the need to drink coffee. This soda packs a strong punch of antioxidants and vitamins that improve your immunity and reduce fatigue. All these health benefits and many more are available with a sweet, stimulating taste and an instant thirst-quenching effect. Check it out:Yerba Mate Soda From Materva

Check it out here


Yerba Mate Soda From MatéBros

Another yerba mate soda that aims for the worldwide popularity of Materva comes from US production as well. The Yerba Mate MatéBros is a natural energy brew that uses traditional mate tea leaves to create a focus-boosting, stamina-enhancing beverage.

The Yerba Mate MatéBros works as a productivity enhancer and it is perfect for when you need to go through long hours of work or study. It delivers a significant amount of caffeine, natural sugar, stevia extract that keep you energized and alert in times of intense mental and physical effort.

Yerba Mate soda from MateBros

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Guayaki Yerba Mate Soda

Last, but definetely not least, Another energy drink that uses the potent rejuvenating effect of yerba mate comes from Guayaki. Their “sparkling classic gold” organic soda aims to reenergize you from the very first sip with a fulfilling taste and a lasting flavor.

Guayaki Yerba Mate is the ideal energy booster that you can have every day to keep you on your toes or as a sprightly party starter when you get together with your friends. Its bubbly texture and lemony aroma create a sparkling sensation that you can never get from traditional yerba mate teas. See it here:

Cans Of Guayaki Yerba Mate Soda

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Where To Buy Yerba Mate Soda

When you choose to drink yerba mate soda you get more than just an exhilarating taste and a boost in energy. You also get essential health benefits from an organically-sourced beverage that can easily replace coffee and yerba mate tea.

You can get a steady supply of yerba mate soda from The benefit of purchasing these energy drinks online is that you make sure that you buy a genuine product and not some counterfeit beverage that you may encounter on the market. Furthermore, you could take advantage of bulk-buy discounts and affordable prices that you most probably can’t find at any retail store in your area.

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8 Types Of Yerba Mate Gourds You Need To Know Thu, 15 Nov 2018 15:32:39 +0000 There are so many types of yerba mate gourds that sometimes it becomes hard to differentiate them and choose the one you like the most. Not all beverages depend on the container as much as it is for the mate. Drinking it is a whole ancient Argentinian tradition, so if you really want to get heads down into it, take a look at the different types of mate gourds and some tips and tricks to choose the perfect one!

All the types of Yerba Mate gourds out there


1. Natural, Hand Made Yerba Mate Gourds

Traditional yerba mate lovers prefer this type of gourd among all and it might probably be the first one you’ll buy. They are made of a climbing plant called Legendaria Vulgaris (squash plant) so the shape and size can vary. The artisans will, first, cut the pumpkin to create the bowl shape and then scrape the inside.

Even though they are hard as wood, they could also be very delicate and thin. Make sure you don’t drop them on the floor as it can potentially break into pieces. Pouring very hot water will also damage and crack the gourd, so make sure you take care of it.

The ones with a wide opening are perfect for abundant mate yielding since the yerba takes longer to get wet. This yerba mate cup will add to that natural flavor you get from drinking the tea.

If you buy this type of gourd, it is highly important that you clean and dry it carefully, especially before the first time you will use it. This process is called curation and it works to remove any type of loose tissue that could make the taste of your tea a bit too bitter. Here is a good example of a traditional gourd that you can check out:

natural hand made gourd with bombillla straw

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2. The Silver or Alpaca Gourd

Are you having special guests you’d love to impress? This is the perfect yerba mate gourd to do so. The craftsman will create this mate cup by selecting special types of pumpkins and then add metal ornamentation.

The silver decoration could be just in the mate waist or inlaid. The technique requires a lot of work: the craftsmen will design and draw the ornamentation; melt, laminate and forge the metal into shape; and then finish by chiseling and polishing the piece. Here is a fine mate tea cup that you can check out:

handmade gourd for yerba mate with silver decorations

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3. Wooden Yerba Mate Gourds

Among the types of wood that the artisans would carve and decorate, there could be Algarrobo, Palo Santo, quebracho, and Roble. Depending on its type, the yerba mate that you prepare in such a gourd would acquire a peculiar flavor. For example, wooden gourds made out of Palo Santo can enhance the flavor and give a nice smell to it, so even though you won’t buy it, it is worth to try it at least for once!

Among all the yerba mate gourds, these might be the most fragile. Therefore, it is important to preserve them carefully and prevent them from breaking or accumulating moisture. To do so, you can cure them with butter, oil or bovine fat.

If you do decide to buy one, maybe it’d be better if it’s covered in metal plating. That way you get the best of both worlds: the metal would make them last longer and prevent them from cracking, but the wood would still enhance the flavor. Yummy!

classic design yerba mate gourd made of wood

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4. The Guampa or Antler Gourd

These gourds are very special since they are made out of bullhorns, but can actually be made from any material (even glass). However, to make the original ones, the craftsmen would burn a piece of horn until they obtain a transparent and smooth product that resembles glass. Then, they will cover them entirely with metal and sometimes add silver details.

This type of gourd is very common in Paraguay to take tereré (cold mate). There is no real reason to prefer this type aside from others unless you’d like to be a little eccentric! Here is an interesting Guampa “Antler-sttyle” Yerba Mate cup that you can check out:

Guampa gourd antler style yerba mate cup


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5. Silicone Yerba Mate Gourds – Modern Style

These are the most modern and easy-to-clean gourds (and perfect for beginners since they need very low maintenance compared to natural ones). The silicone material has many advantages: it does not keep bacteria or change the taste of the yerba mate tea. Also, it conserves the heat, and it’s very hard to break. At the same time, these cups are not pretentious, and easy to clean and store.

However, for people accustomed to the classic mate cup shapes, they might be a little uncomfortable to grab, and well… some, more conservative, mate fans frown upon them. That’s because a silicon gourd is different from the traditional natural one. But, at the end of the day, they are very practical for people who live fast a fast-paced modern life and still want to enjoy their hot mate tea. These cups come in a big variety of colors and patterns. See one example here:

modern silicone gourd for drinking mate style teas


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6. Glass and Ceramics Mate Gourds

These two types of gourd don’t absorb the taste of the yerba and are, also, very easy to clean. These yerba mate cups are amazing for beginners since you will not have to cure or worry about molding them. They’ll last forever, unless, of course, you drop them, oops!

One good thing about ceramic is that it insulates heat well. One good thing about glass is that they are see-through which, you know, makes it cool to drink from since you can look at what’s happening with the yerba. Here is a beautiful example of ceramic craftmanship that we think you might like:

ceramic yerba mate gourd

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7. Metal Gourds

These cups are great for everyone since it is a commonly known material. Some of them can warm up from the hot water while others will not conduct heat. It depends on the way they were made. However, just like silicon gourds, they are very easy to clean and you do not need to cure them.

stainless steel yerba mate gourd

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8. Plastic Mate Gourds

Going camping or on a big trip? This is the best type of gourd. Similar to silicone gourds, these ones are good to throw them in your backpack without any worry in the world since they are resistant, light and easy to clean. We still recommend that you check the silicone one above, since that is superior in terms of quality. For instance, if you plan on travelling, you might find a gourd such as this one very handy:

Plastic type of Yerba Mate Gourd that is good for travelling

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9. Leather Yerba Mate Gourds

Typically, traditional mate cups are made of scooped-up dried fruits. Sometimes the craftsmen cover these gourds in natural leather. The reasoning is that it makes the gourd more durable and practical. Gourds covered in leather this way are more durable and less prone to cracking.

Covering the gourd in leather also acts as a thermal barrier. This keeps mate drinks hot for longer periods allowing you to take your time while you enjoy your hot tea.

Some of these gourds don’t follow the traditional crafting style. Instead, they are made of glass, and then covered in leather. The main advantage of this is that glass doesn’t absorb or alter the taste of the tea in any way, preserving the authentic experience. Also, glass lasts longer than traditional gourds, and it’s easier to clean. Traditional gourds need curing, whereas glass leather gourds are more convenient because they need lower maintenance. Here is a finely crafted example:

Leather gourd for yerba mate teas

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In Conclusion

You have to remember, drinking Yerba mate is almost as drinking wine: it is a whole experience, but nobody has the right to tell you which type is better than the other. There is so much variety of gourds that the best one is just the one you like, or the mood you are in, or the purpose you are using it for. Try each one out, get some experience with each type of gourd and decide for yourself!

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Yerba Mate Caffeine And How The Caffeine Level In This Mate Tea Benefits You Wed, 14 Nov 2018 06:41:41 +0000 We all know it: caffeine can be addictive. This is terrible news to every person out there going through final exams, having a baby while working for a new project, or creating a startup while keeping their regular day job. Truth is, there could always be a good reason to drink a cup of coffee (or maybe a couple).

However, while containing a reasonable amount of caffeine that is considered healthy, there is one amazing South American beverage that works as the best alternative to regular coffee: the yerba mate tea caffeine. Today, you are going seven reasons why this type of herbal tea and the caffeine it contains make this drink really amazing for your health.

Yerba Mate caffeine


1. It Is Highly Nutritious

Yerba mate has approximately equal amounts of caffeine than regular coffee. However, the cocktail of abundant vitamins and minerals that accompanies this stimulant make it especially nutritious. If you drink one cup of this beverage, you will also be drinking 24 types of Vitamins and Minerals, 15 types of Amino Acid and a high concentration of antioxidants (which it’s even higher than in green tea).

Moreover, yerba mate provides 11 percent of the daily value riboflavin, small amounts of potassium, B and C vitamins, zinc and magnesium. And if it was not enough, it also has trace amounts of thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid, folate, phosphorus, potassium, and manganese. This abundant amount of nutrients has made the yerba mate caffeine gained its own name “Mateine”.


2. The Yerba Mate Caffeine Will Make You Feel So Much More Energized

Caffeinated drinks are great to boost your energy, but after the effect is gone, you keep craving for more. In contrast to other drinks, the yerba mate caffeine lets you enjoy the energy boost for longer periods of time without having to overdose. Its nature of steady energy and the ability to prevent a possible caffeine meltdown are the two main reason why athletes have included this type of caffeine in their regular diet.

General studies show that the caffeine in yerba mate can reduce fatigue while increasing physical endurance, alertness and focus. All of this without causing anxiety or unhealthy changes in your heart rate and blood pressure.


3. It Helps To Keep Those Extra Kilos Off

Because of its great capacity to increase satiety, yerba mate could facilitate weight loss. The ingredients present in the drink (mainly the caffeine) also help reduce body fat by increasing the lipolysis, a process your body goes through to break down fat. And if you spend some hours at the gym weekly, mate can also help you increase the effectiveness of your workout.

Mate also aids in digestion, decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and lowers LDL cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure, thanks to its highly contain of Theobromine. All this combined can help you keep your body lean and ready for summer. Finally, researches have also shown that yerba mate can help treat obesity and diabetes.


4. It Is Good For Your Stomach

Caffeine effects for your stomach depend widely. If you drink concentrated caffeine drinks, you will be looking for the nearest restroom. Researches have shown that caffeine can activate contractions in your colon and intestinal muscles which push contents towards its last destination in your digestive tract.

Caffeine in yerba mate, on the other hand, has an alkaline base. This means that it counteracts the effects of the acidity in your stomach. Its neutralized effect will allow you to start the morning without having to go to the toilet after drinking.

This is also the reason why yerba mate could also be the perfect alternative to those suffering from gastritis or sensitive stomach.


5. Forget About Anxiety And Depression

The combination of caffeine and theobromine present in the Yerba Mate not only help boost your mood but can also eliminate the presence of anxiety and jitters, both side effects of drinking coffee.

However, it is important to remind you that yerba mate caffeine is still caffeine. Even though it’s combined with amazing nutrients that make it healthier than any other beverage with caffeine, remember to consume it in moderation. Double check with your doctor if you’re taking chemo or depression medications and antibiotics, since it might interact with the mate. It is also not recommended when you’re pregnant or breast feeding.

Finally, it is important to address one last rumor. Mate has dealt with controversy in the past as some studies had linked drinking mate to cancer. However, the evidence found in its potential carcinogenic qualities is only present when drinking mate at very high temperatures or in very high quantities (more than twice a day). Nonetheless, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has deemed mate as not carcinogenicity to humans.


Summing Up

So the bottom line is that yerba mate contains quite elevated levels of caffeine. Besides that, there are a lot of other beneficial substances and vitamins in this herbal brew. These things combined, make yerba mate a great drink to savor whenever you get the chance.

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The 5 Bombilla Types Every Yerba Mate Lover Should Know Thu, 01 Nov 2018 06:45:09 +0000 Drinking Yerba Mate is a whole experience. Not only because of the benefits that you immediately feel, but because the ancient and traditional roots that influence the way of preparing it and, especially, drinking it. Having said that, yerba mate is not yerba mate without the bombilla and all matero (a passionate yerba mate drinker) could say so.

Types of bombillas you should know

The bombilla is literally translated to straw (and just in case you were wondering, it’s pronounced like bom-BEE-yah), and it helps to drink the warm liquid without the leaves’ powder. This tool contains small holes at its submerged end that allow the brewed liquid in but block the chunky matter that results from having dried, chopped and ground the yerba from the mate.

Mate bombillas come in different shapes, size and materials. Most of them have some degree of curvature, as to avoid the drinker from uncomfortably lowering his head. However, since the whole experience is for you to enjoy it, here are the most common types of yerba mate bombilla to choose for yourself according to its shape and material.


1. Coiled Bombilla For Mate Drinks

Coiled BombillaThe coiled bombilla is the most traditional type in Argentina and it will probably be the first one you bought. It is characterized by its spring shaped filter with a slight opening around the entire coil to keep most yerba out.

This type of bombilla is simple to use and works perfectly for broader cuts of mate such as Nobleza Goucha or Cruz de Malta, which are classical Argentinian brands. It is also known to clog less than other types of bombillas (such as spoon and circle shaped ones) so it is recommended for newbies or drinkers who want a smooth flow.

However, it is not preferred for Paraguayan grounds or brands such as Galaxy and Canarias since its system doesn’t easily allow the more viscous yerbas to pass and, in other cases, tiny pieces of lead can get through the filter.


2. Spoon Mate Bombilla

Spoon bombillaThis is maybe the most widely used bombilla. It resembles a spoon with approximately sixty orifices in both sides. Contrary to coil bombillas, this shape of bombilla goes well with Gaucho Mate or mates that are mostly powder.

It is super thin which makes it easy to slide onto the very bottom of the gourd and drink until the last possible sip. It also helps mold and sculpts the yerba to prevent you from sucking very small particles. Be careful not to scrap your mate with a spoon bombilla since doing so could lead to clogging.


3. Fanned bombillaFanned Bombilla

Another favorite among newbies, these bombillas are more pressed down than the rest. It has a spade-like head with a series of horizontal slices through which the infusion goes through. One advantage is that its fan-like shape acts like a shovel’s head that enables the drinker to scoop out the yerba.

Moreover, it seems to help clog less than the others which make it easier for first-time drinkers. Finally, some people consider that this bombilla helps them appreciate the taste more as less mate enters the mouth.


4. Circle or Ball Mate Bombillas

This shape of bombilla filters the infusion through small holes like the spoon bombilla, but the filter resembles a small metal globe. One disadvantage is that the orifices in the ball can be too big and the ball can take too much space. Unless it is used for big gourds, this bombilla might not be the best for you.


Bent tip scraper/pick mate bombilla5. Bent Tip “Pick-Type” Bombilla

It is shaped like one of the dental tools that Dentists use to work on your teeth. It has an acute bend or picks that works like the filter with several horizontal slits across each side of the bombilla, which makes the filtering extremely easy. Moreover, the scrap is good for scraping out the flesh of the calabash gourd during the ripening process or for spooning-out the yerba when you want to change it.


Types Of Bombillas According To The Material They Are Made Of

Having considered these 5 types of bombillas based on their shape, it is important that you also consider the materials for which they are made as they play a role in its duration and price. There are four main types: bamboo, stainless steel, nickel or silver.

Traditional bamboo bombilla for mate teaBamboo bombillas are preferred to drink cold mate. They are made from a thin and slightly bent bamboo cane and it’s the most accord with nature besides wooden bombillas. You can make your own by cutting a thin portion of a cane and boring slits into the base to form the filter.

Since this type of bombilla is made from bamboo and not metal, you won’t burn your lips if you drink hot mate. Bamboo does not heat up the same way meal does. These are very unexpansive bombillas, but they might be hard to drink from and tend to clog easily.

Stainless steel bombillas are inexpensive and widely available. They are the market standard since the material is very resistible and don’t rust. Nickel bombillas are also very inexpensive, but they rub off with time and cause allergy to some people.

Finally, silver is the material of preference for luxury bombillas. It is shiny, looks beautiful and lasts almost forever. Many silver bombillas are also combined with gold. In the past, it was believed that gold would kill germs.


Summing Up

In the end, the difference between all these types of bombillas remains in its quality. The flow will depend on the filter. The more effective the filter is, the more likely it is to clog up. When choosing one, pay attention to the distance in which the holes are placed. If they are too far, some infusion will remain at the bottom of the gourd.

Keep also in mind that the bombilla do not affect the nutrient or flavor content of the yerba mate. You can either drink the infusion without having a bombilla and make it the same way as you would with most teas or prepare it in a coffee maker or French press. And if all that fails, it is always possible to buy yerba mate tea bags instead of loose leaf. But keep in mind that real materos, use real bombillas!

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How to Clean a Yerba Mate Gourd In 4 Easy Steps Thu, 25 Oct 2018 11:27:12 +0000 As delicious and nutritious as yerba mate can be, yerba mate gourds tend to need some tender loving care. They need so much, in fact, that it’s recommended that you have several gourds and rotate between them. Even if you do rotate between gourds, you still need to know how to clean a yerba mate gourd.

how to clean a yerba mate gourd

Keep on reading to learn one of the best methods for cleaning a gourd that gets it ready to go in no time.


Cleaning a Yerba Mate Gourd In 4 Easy Steps

So, you’ve got your gourd, you’ve filled and emptied it several times by using it to brew a few hot drinks. Now the time comes to clean it out. So let’s go through the steps you need to follow to do that properly:


  1. Start by scraping out the yerba. It makes for a great compost. If you don’t want it though, feel free to put it into the garbage. We recommend using a spoon bombilla for this.


  1. There will no doubt be some yerba left stuck to the gourd. Rinse it under warm water to break it off. Once again, use your bombilla to scrap at the gourd to help remove the stuck mate.


  1. Check the gourd again to make sure that you got rid of the leaves. If everything went well, take a paper towel and stick it inside – folding it up if you have to – then press it to the bottom and sides of the gourd with the bombilla. The paper towel will soak up excess water, which is great because the gourd should be as dry as it can be. If you are over-zealous you can even use a hair dryer to accelerate the process, just make sure that it’s on cold air setting so that you don’t affect your gourd.


  1. Your gourd should now be as dry as it’s going to get. So now you should store it in a cool, dry, ventilated area. Why do you want to do that? Well basically because this makes it harder for mold to take hold.


Additionally, be sure to dry the gourd on its side. You should not dry it upside down on a flat surface! Tilt the gourd at an angle while it dries, because doing it like this allows for the air and light to flow through, preventing mold growth.

If you follow these steps, now all you have to do is wait until everything is dried up and the gourd is ready to use again.  It takes a while for the gourd to be properly ready. If you were to use – and wash – your gourd in the morning, then it might even be good to go by bedtime.


We must also note that you shouldn’t be using common cleaning supplies when you clean your gourd? Things like dishwasher detergent, soap, or disinfecting alcohol are a no-no for traditional gourds. Most of these gourds tend to absorb the flavors and aromas of the liquids you pour inside them. So adding some chemical substances is obviously ill-advised.

There are also, obviously, modern gourds made from silicone or other materials (which you can clean however you like, even in dish-washing machines), but those are not the scope of this guide.



In order to give a yerba mate gourd a long life span, you should definitely know how to clean it in a correct fashion. By cleaning it properly, you’ll almost never have to deal with mold. Keeping your yerba mate gourd clean in the way we’ve described above should also prevent the lining from getting stained or dirty-looking. Take good care of your gourds, and your yerba mate tea will take good care of you.

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The Yerba Mate Plant And Where To Buy Seeds Thu, 25 Oct 2018 07:23:14 +0000 In this article, we will talk about the yerba mate plant, and also, we will recommend you where to buy seeds if you decide you want to grow your own.

Yerba mate, also known by the names Paraguay Tea, Ilex Species, Jesuit’s Tea, and more, is a flowering tree that is used to brew a tea popular across the Middle East and South America. The leaves are processed in several stages, including blanching and drying, with different processing conditions producing different tastes and quality tea.

Yerba Mate plant & seeds

The yerba mate plant is an evergreen tree that grows around 15 meters tall with leaves up to 11cm long and 5.5cm wide. The flowers are green and have four petals. The fruit is a dark red or purple drupe that ripens during the autumn. The tree, which flowers in spring, is popular for its health benefits including reducing appetite and burning fat. It helps boost heart health as well. It grows along the banks of rivers and streams in subtropical regions with high humidity, but it is durable enough to withstand low temperatures.

Yerba mate is a fantastic source of caffeine as well as bioactive compounds like quercetin and ursolic acid. It contains xanthines, saponins, flavonoids, and cinnamic acid. It contains the three xanthines caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine. It also contains elements like magnesium and potassium.


The History of Yerba Mate Seeds

Yerba mate is commonly consumed in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Chile. The tea leaves are imported from Argentina and were popular in Syria too. It was originally cultivated and used by the Guarani and Tupi people of Southern Brazil and Paraguay. When the Europeans came and colonized the countries, yerba was spread across Europe and became more popular with the wider world. By the late 16th century, it was consumed by both the indigenous Guarani people and the Spanish settlers. It had spread to Chile, Bolivia, Peru, and Argentina by the 17th century.

Yerba mate seeds were domesticated by the Jesuits during the mid-17th century. They began plantations in Argentina and Misiones. The industry was important to the Paraguayan economy following their independence, until the War of the Triple Alliance between 1864 to 1870 which wreaked havoc on Paraguay and the economy there.

By the late 19th/early 20th century the yerba plant had been domesticated in Argentina and Brazil, leading the way for plantations. Brazil has gone on to become the number one producer of yerba mate, followed by Argentina and Paraguay.


Health Benefits Of Yerba Mate

Yerba mate works as a diuretic, stimulant, and tonic to reduce fatigue, improve gastric function, and suppress appetite. It is a depurative that helps to eliminate waste and support digestion. Yerba mate is traditionally used to treat depression, aid in weight loss, alleviate headaches and rheumatic pains, and eliminate fatigue. It contains xanthine, which is a chemical that boosts the metabolism and prevents the nervous system from becoming overstimulated. It also has antioxidant properties that improve immunity.


Buy Yerba Mate Seeds

If you’re interested in yerba mate seeds, then you should consider just growing your own. There are plenty of resources to buy yerba mate seeds online. While you could buy yerba mate tea, growing your own is cheaper in the long run and more fun. Try out this fantastic tea for yourself and see what it can do!

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Lose 12 Pounds in 4 Weeks With This Yerba Mate Weight Loss Approach Wed, 24 Oct 2018 15:38:13 +0000 Yerba mate is an amazing plant that can help in many aspects of well-being and overall health. It’s not only beneficial to general health, but also amazing for weight loss. If you are curious about doing yerba mate weight loss for yourself, then, keep on reading to learn how to use yerba mate to burn twelve pounds in just under four weeks.

how to lose weight with yerba mate


Yerba Mate Weight Loss Benefits

Before heading into how yerba mate helps you to lose weight, it’s important to understand that it isn’t some magical cure at all. Just drinking yerba mate isn’t going to be enough to get you to lose weight. It just expedites the natural weight loss process, making it easier to lose weight and ensuring you lose more than without drinking this herbal infusion. With that out of the way, let’s look at how yerba mate weight loss works per se.

Here are the main ways in which yerba mate helps you to lose weight:


It Enhances Your Metabolism And Makes Your Digestion Better

This is both a weight loss benefit and not one at the same time. The tea has laxative properties that help you to eliminate waste. Having less waste clogging up your stomach means that you will weight loss, but one could make the argument this doesn’t really help you lose weight. While improving digestion is more of a health benefit than a weight loss one, it’s impossible to deny that it doesn’t help you to lose weight.


Additionally, Yerba Mate Diminishes Your Desire For Food

Lots of other articles online have delved into the appetite suppressant qualities of yerba mate and, quite frankly, overplayed them. It doesn’t prevent sugar cravings and it can’t stop you from eating burgers. What it does is suppress overall appetite. Drinking yerba mate will literally make you less hungry, but it’s still up to you to choose how to satiate that hunger. If you’ve got good self-control, then you’ll eat less after drinking this tea and, as we all know, the less you eat; the more weight you lose.


It Also Increases Your Energy Levels

This is one of the main yerba mate weight loss benefits. No doubt you know that yerba mate has caffeine in it, and that caffeine is an energy source. While this doesn’t directly help you lose weight, it does make it easier for you to exercise (which will help you lose weight). You’ll have more energy to longer and harder when exercising; burning more calories and shedding more pounds.

These benefits might not sound like much individually, but they become incredibly powerful when combined with a foundation of exercise and dieting. Here’s how to lose 10 pounds in 3 weeks with yerba mate.


How To Lose 12 Pounds In Under 4 Weeks With A Yerba Mate Weight Loss “Diet”

Losing weight with yerba mate is not some miracle switch button that you just press and shed the extra pounds. In order for this to work, you will need to adjust your lifestyle to include the following:

• A Low Caloric Diet
• Healthy Cardiovascular Exercise
• Good Rest
• Yerba mate (of course)

We’re referring to actual yerba mate tea here, aka the herbal infusion in boiling water. There are different “extracts” on the market that sellers boast to be working wonders, but we are not referring to anything made inside a lab. Just plain old regular mate tea.


The Actual Plan For The Best Weight Loss Results

We recommend drinking yerba mate in the morning because of the benefits we listed above;

healthy diet accompanied by yerba mate

Firstly, it will get you to eliminate the waste and food from the day before, meaning that you instantly feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

Secondly, it will stop you from being too hungry in the morning and having a big breakfast. You might not even need breakfast at all.

And last but not least, you’ve got the energy for a morning workout. No excuses to not get a workout in now! Yerba Mate can work as a pre-workout drink since the caffeine in the drink will get your engine running and ready for some cardio.

We have to note that there’s no need to go too extreme with your diet or exercise plan. There are lots of simple programs out there that don’t take thing too far. The harder you take things, the less likely you are to stick with them.

But what you will need, however, is consistency. Stick to the plan, and do this regularly – at least 4 times a week. No need to aim for something hard and difficult to stick to. Rather be consistently moderate, than moderately consistent.

So, go for the basics and build your way up, rather than starting out with too much. Just don’t forget that yerba mate can’t do all the work for you; you’re going to want to adopt some kind of lower caloric diet and exercise program. This weigh-loss approach won’t work if you are drinking yerba mate tea and gulping junk food at the same time.

After a few weeks of following this routine, you’ll find that your hunger spikes start to go away. Once they are gone and you’re eating properly, it’s all easy from there on. Like we said before; the less food you eat, the more weight you lose. Yerba mate forms a solid foundation for weight loss, especially when combined with diet and exercise.


To Sum Up

So, overall, if you were wondering if yerba mate can help you lose weight, then the answer is most certainly a resounding “yes!”. It does help quite a lot. It’ll get you eating less and moving more, which is the main foundation for losing weight; burning more calories than you take in.

Just keep in mind that – as powerful as yerba mate is – it can’t do everything for you. It is a weight loss aid; as in you have to do some of the work yourself. But, if you’re going to drink it each and every day, exercise for at least 30 minutes every day of the week.

What I usually do is watch a Netflix series and cycle on the stationary bike for 20 minutes. Then I follow up with 10-15 minutes of physical workout which I vary day to day so that I don’t get bored. In time, this added up and it helped me to considerably trim down my waist line and size.

And last but not least, stick to a simple diet, you’ll notice the fat just melts off. I am no nutritionist, but I just by sticking to basic self-prepared foods (no more pizza and burgers for me) I managed to lose 12 pounds in one month and I’m very happy with it.

If you’re a complete newbie when it comes to yerba mate, then you should learn some of the basics first to better understand how yerba mate weight loss works. Just don’t forget that you will have to do a little working out and consider making some changes to your diet. With these changes, you could soon be losing up to twelve pounds or maybe more within a few weeks when drinking yerba mate.

Yerba mate can help you lose weight, but how much weight you lose depends on how badly you want it. The harder you work, the better the results that you get. It’s really as simple as that.

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