Fast Guide On How to Brew Yerba Mate in a French Press

Yerba mate is becoming increasingly common as the official drink of Argentina makes its way west and is adopted by the masses. It is enjoyed for the bitter flavor (which can be adjusted if necessary) and the plentiful health benefits. Much like tea and coffee, the flavor profile of yerba mate can change depending on how it is brewed.

how to brew Yerba Mate in a French Press (Cafetiere)

Some people like to have their yerba mate cold-brewed, and some enjoy having the convenience of a yerba mate tea bag or a yerba mate latter. There’s also the traditional way, which is brewing it with a gourd and using a filter-tipped straw. The latest trend has been to use a French press which provides convenience and an entirely different flavor profile. Here’s how to brew yerba mate in a French press.


What you Need

• 2 tablespoons of yerba mate

• 16 ounces of water heated to around 150F (around simmering point)

• A good French Press (check out these)


How to Make It

1. Place the yerba mate into the filter of your French press
2. Slowly pour the heated water over the yerba mate. Give it time to soak in and pass through the filter.
3. Brew the yerba for between 4 and 6 minutes, depending on how strong you want the tea to be
4. Depress the plunger into the filter pot and serve when done.

Note: you could use a larger French press if required. Simply use a ratio of 1 tablespoon of yerba mate for 8 ounces of water.

When brewing yerba mate in a French press, you still keep the original flavor of the drink almost unaltered. The flavor of yerba mate is something of an infusion of different herbs, grasses, and vegetables. It is oddly reminiscent of some green tea varieties.

Don’t despair if you don’t enjoy the flavor though. You wouldn’t be the only one. There are plenty of ways to add some variety to yerba mate including adding sugar, adding honey, and taking it iced instead of warm.


Basic Things To Know About Yerba Mate

The Yerba Mate tea is a traditional infusion drink that originates in the South Americas. The leaves of yerba mate come from a species of a holly tree that has been cultivated in South America for years. The special tea is said to be as strong as coffee, have the health benefits of tea and even surpass them, and provide the euphoria of chocolate, all in one single beverage. So you can see why it’s become popular.

Out of the most commonly used stimulants in the world (tea, coffee, cocoa, kola nut, guarana, and yerba mate), mate is considered to be the most balanced; delivering both solid nutrition as well as an increase of energy.

The rainforest tribes, in particular, the Aché Guayaki tribe, will sip their yerba mate from a traditional gourd made for that very purpose. They consume yerba mate for its rejuvenating effects. Yerba mate has become so popular as a stimulant without the side effects – such as jitters – that it is becoming increasingly common to find it in energy drinks.


To Conclude

The drink is most commonly brewed in the traditional way that goes back generations, using a gourd and bombilla.

However, knowing how to brew yerba mate in a French press makes it easier to brew, retains the drink’s properties and taste, and allows you to enjoy this beneficial health drink packed full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants prepared in a different fashion than with the traditional gourd and bombilla.

It’s an easy way to prepare the drink that you should surely try!

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