The Difference Between Guayusa And Yerba Mate
If you live outside South America you might believe that the people south of Mexico enhance their energy only by drinking coffee or mate. A closer look at their social habits shows that some of them prefer a third herbal drink called Guayusa. Is this beverage better than other vitality boosters and what is the difference between guayusa and yerba mate? Let’s find out!
Is Guayusa Better Than Mate?
Short answer: It depends.
It all boils down to who you ask. If you talk to the people from Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay, they will claim that there is no better herbal drink than yerba mate. On the other hand, if you ask somebody from Ecuador, where guayusa is heavily consumed, they will swear that they would never trade a cup of guayusa for a gourd of hot, bitter mate.
Although they come from two plants belonging to the same botanical family, guayusa and yerba mate create two beverages with different characteristics. Personal taste, cultural upbringing, and availability determine how people classify them, but there are no parameters that determine which one of them is better.
Should I Switch From Yerba Mate To Guayusa?
Short answer: Not necessarily.
You don’t have to choose between these two energy drinks unless you have a certain preference for the way the leaves are processed before they reach your gourd. A specific difference between guayusa and yerba mate is the way the producers dry the leaves.
Most mate companies use the smoke-drying method to make the yerba leaves release their moisture. Guayusa producers leave them out in the sun to dry in open air. If you like both methods of drying these caffeine-packed leaves, there is no reason to choose between the two drinks. You can keep them both in your pantry and brew them as you wish.
Which One Gives Me More Energy: Yerba Mate Or Guayusa?
Short answer: None really.
There has been a long debate regarding the content of caffeine in guayusa and yerba mate respectively. The latter contains almost 20 milligrams more of caffeine per 8 ounces. Still, some consumers claim that they feel more energetic and productive after drinking guayusa than after finishing a whole gourd of yerba mate. How is that possible?
The answer is simple and it lies in the chemical composition of both plants. Yerba mate packs more caffeine than guayusa and it can deliver a powerful punch of energy. However, guayusa contains L-theanine, which is a natural compound present in green tea as well, and which induces a state of relaxation. A rise in endorphins ensues, which gives some users a sense of vitality and eagerness.
And Finally Is There A Taste Difference Between Guayusa And Yerba Mate?
Short answer: Just a slight one.
The only difference between guayusa and yerba mate that you will feel is the absence of a smoky flavor when drinking guayusa, and which results from the air-drying process. Other than that, since both follow the same preparation methods, you should experience the same bold, full-bodied and bitter aroma when sipping either guayusa or yerba mate from your gourd.
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