The Most Important Health Benefits Of Yerba Mate
When it comes to natural energy drinks, few beverages provide a stronger boost of health benefits than Yerba Mate. The favorite tea of South Americans enjoys worldwide popularity and it provides strong competition for coffee and black tea. Here are the most important advantages for your well-being that you get from sipping this infusion regularly:
1. A Cup Of Mate Provides Day-long Energy
Yerba Mate is rich in caffeine, which is a natural stimulant that we usually find in coffee and black tea. Drinking a cup of mate in the morning can boost your energy and productivity throughout the day.
If you enjoy the custom of carrying a gourd of mate and a thermos with hot water everywhere you go, you can easily maintain a high level of alertness and acuity. This beneficial effect is due to mateine, which scientists believe is the mix of caffeine and a tannin or phenol in the raw leaf.
2. Yerba Mate Enhances Brain Functions
You may already know that caffeine improves focus and alertness, which is why you always feel more productive and driven after the morning coffee. Yerba mate infusion provides an additional two compounds that are related to caffeine: theobromine and theophylline, and which enhance brain functions even more.
Drinking yerba mate provides a mind-balancing effect. From the very first sips, you should experience improvement to your mood and concentration. Additionally, your brain is able to make and retain new memories easier, which becomes extremely helpful when studying or working with a significant amount of data.
3. Yerba Mate Is Packed With Essential Nutrients
Every gourd of yerba mate provides you with a wide range of minerals and vitamins that are essential for your well-being. In its composition, you find vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, and B5 along with calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and manganese. This ideal cocktail of health benefits also includes amino acids, tannins, and flavonoids that sustain a strong and healthy immune system.
A gourd of mate provides an excellent supplement for a balanced nutrition plan. Even though it delivers a healthy boost of nutrients, it should not replace any of your usual daily meals.
Yerba Mate might help you lose weight
Due to its high amount of caffeine and other flavonoids, Yerba Mate acts as an appetite suppressant. Drinking this infusion regularly should make you feel a lot less hungry than usual. Weight gaining bad habits like snacking and binge-eating can also disappear as a result of having several cups of mate per day.
In this regard, Yerba Mate might help you lose weight since you have fewer tendencies of raiding the fridge or the pantry for snacks. In time, your body may just as well adapt to the drink and the yerba mate tea may lose it appetite suppressant role. Therefore, you should consider it a reliable start to a weight loss plan, and not a long-term solution for burning fat.
4. Yerba Mate Has Powerful Digestive Properties
In its native South America, people have been drinking Yerba Mate for centuries mainly for its medicinal properties. A cup of this infusion can solve digestive problems, improve your digestive tract and reduce stomach pain.
Yerba Mate tea benefits for your health also include potent antibacterial functions. This beverage can reduce the side effects of food poisoning and pose a consistent stance to E. coli bacteria. Additionally, you can use it to soothe the pain associated with kidney stones and urinary tract infections.
5. Yerba Mate Helps You Build Stronger Bones
A gourd of freshly prepared Yerba Mate packs a significant amount of minerals that help you avoid bone mineral loss that occurs when you exercise rarely. This natural tea can reduce the side effects of being too sedentary and may restore you with proper bone health.
It is crucial to remember that both exercising and drinking Yerba Mate are complementary parts of a healthy lifestyle, and this tea should not replace weekly sports activities.
6. Yerba Mate Provides Medicinal Quick-fixes
Yerba Mate is extremely popular among consumers from Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Chile, where people sometimes use it just to alleviate minor health issues. This infusion is ideal for the allergy season when it can reduce symptoms of sinusitis. Also, it acts as an excellent tonic for fatigue and pain that come with extensive sports activities.
Yerba Mate consumers enjoy its’ energy-boosting effect every time they feel a bit down on their luck. This beverage helps scare away the blues and prevents depression and restlessness from taking over your mind.
7. Yerba Mate Improves Heart Health
One of the most important health benefits of drinking Yerba Mate regularly is having a healthier heart. This plant contains essential anti-inflammatory compounds and antioxidants that improve blood flow and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
A daily cup of Yerba Mate should dilate your blood vessels, allowing better circulation and a quick transfer of nutrients to your organs. This healthy infusion also lowers blood pressure and soothes irregular heartbeat.
8. Yerba Mate Reduces Cancer Risk
Although it is still subject to extensive medical research, some clinical experts believe that Yerba Mate contains tannins and other organic compounds that can reduce the risk of cancer. Regular drinking might diminish the side effects of habits like smoking and alcohol drinking, which severely damage your health. As a result, Yerba Mate could protect your gut, esophagus, and lungs from cancer cells that form after exposing your body to toxic chemicals.
9. Yerba Mate Improves Your Mental Health
Most of the Yerba Mate consumers like to drink this beverage with their friends, family and at social events. A common custom implies passing the gourd with the hot mate from one person to another before refilling it with water.
Similar to gathering for drinks or coffee, sharing Yerba Mate improves your good mood, communication skills, and social exposure. All these factors contribute to a better and more stable mental health that reduces the risks of depression, anxiety, and isolation.
Summing Up
These are the health benefits of drinking yerba mate. The mate is a complex drink that has many beneficial effects on multiple aspects of the body. As you can see, drinking it in moderation can have positive influences on your well being and state of mind, so why not try it for yourself and see how it makes you feel.
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